If you have studied a language even once, you know that learning vocabulary is inevitable. And this...
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JLPT N5 Vocabulary List by Category
Are you preparing to take the JLPT N5 vocabulary? There are approximately 800 JLPT N5 vocabular...
Basic Japanese Vocabulary #10-1 : color -色(いろ)-
Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary related to “nature ” in your town that...
Basic Japanese Vocabulary #9-2 : nature -自然(しぜん)-
Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary related to “nature ” in your town that...
Basic Japanese Vocabulary #9-1 : body -体(からだ)-
Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary related to “body ” in your town that...
Basic Japanese Vocabulary #8 : facility -施設(しせつ)-
Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary related to “facility ” in your town that...
Basic Japanese Vocabulary #7 : place -場所(ばしょ)-
Table of contents Note:Memorize words with imagesInfographic:Flash card videoPractice test...
Basic Japanese Vocabulary #6 : day&time -日(ひ)・時(とき)-
Table of contents Note:Kanji will helpt you to understand the meaningInfographic:Time&Season in...
Basic Japanese Vocabulary #5 : Date -日付(ひづけ)-
Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary related to “tool” that will appear on...
Textbook Guide for JLPT N4
If you are aiming for the JLPT N4, you need to make up for your weaknesses and become comfortable...
Basic Japanese Vocabulary #4-2 : Tool -道具(どうぐ)-
Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary related to “tool” that will appear on...
Basic Japanese Vocabulary #4-1 : Vehicle -乗り物(のりもの)-
Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary related to “vehicle” that will appear on...