Let’s learn to talk about familiar things. Practice what you do every day in Japanese. I will introduce 12 verbs and words related to Frequency .Tell us about your day!
We will also present a fun quiz and work sheet, so read this article and try it.
Table of contents
Morning routine

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Japanese | English |
7じ に おきます shichi ji ni okimasu | I get up at 7:00. |
あさごはん を たべます Asagohan o tabemasu | I have breakfast. |
は を みがきます Ha o migakimasu | I brush my teeth. |
トイレ へ いきます toire e ikimasu | I go to the bathroom. |
きがえます kigaemasu | I change my clothes. |
がっこう へ いきます gakkou e ikimasu | I go to the school. |
Night routine

You can download PDF here.
Japanese | English |
しゅくだい します shukudai shimasu | I do homework. |
かぞく と あそびます kazoku to asobimasu | I play with my family. |
シャワー を あびます shawaa o abimasu | I take a shower. |
ばんごはん を たべます bangohan o tabemasu | I have a dinner. |
テレビ を みます terebi o mimasu | I watch TV. |
9じ に ねます kuji ni nemasu | I go to sleep at 9:00. |

Frequency Adverb

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If the frequency is less than 50%, the verb uses the negative form.
e.g. affirmative: たべます(tabe masu) → negatibe : たべません(tabe masen)
Fun quiz
First, check if you’ve memorized the basic verbs!
Work sheet
We will upload soon!