Table of contents Week 1 Action Goal:VocabularyWorksheetApplication for ParticipationSelf...
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Japanese verb conjugation : Ultimate Beginner’s guide
In Japanese, as in other languages, verb conjugation exists. But you need not fear. It has a kind...
スケジュールについて話す 陸ノ巻:Talk about your schedule vol.6
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Te form in Japanese verb conjugation
First, Te form in Japanese verb conjugation is one of the most important part of Japanese study and...
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Best snacks from Japan: You should try once.
Japanese snack fans gather! The snacks from Japan have many flavors and variations, and a whole...
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Textbook guide for JLPT N2
If you are aiming for the JLPT N2, you need to make up for your weaknesses and become comfortable...
How to use Anki for Japanese
When learning Japanese vocabulary and kanji, how to accumulate them is a major problem. Digitizing...
スケジュールについて話す 参ノ巻 : Talk about your schedule vol.3
Table of contents Week 3 Action Goal:Application for ParticipationSelf-learningLearn More…...
Have you ever seen a beckoning cat called “Maneki neko”? It’s a cat figurine that looks like...
Age in Japanese : How to ask age politely?
Do you know how to ask for age in Japanese? Is it okay to ask for age to Japanese people? Today...