Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary related to “tool” that will appear on the JLPT N5. Use infographics, flashcards, and practice tests to study effectively. Get ready!
Table of contents
Note:To learn verbs and particles together with tool
Tools are what you use. And each one has a different use. Let’s learn verbs and particles together. Also, let’s relate and remember where it can be bought, where it can be found, and when it is used.

English translation | Japanese | frequently-used verbs |
guitar | ギター | ギター を ひきます play the guitar |
piano | ピアノ | ピアノ を ひきます play the piano |
flower vase | 花瓶(かびん) | 花瓶(かびん) に 花(はな) を いれます put in flowers in the flower vase |
watch | 時計(とけい) | 時計(とけい) を 見(み)ます watch the clock |
radio | ラジオ | ラジオ を 聞(き)きます listen to the radio |
air conditioner | エアコン | エアコン を つけます turn on the air conditioner エアコン を 消(け)します turn off the air conditioner |
computer | パソコン | パソコン で しらべます check on the computer |
refrigerator | 冷蔵庫 (れいぞうこ) | 冷蔵庫 に 入(い)れます put in the refrigerator 冷蔵庫 から 出(だ)します take out from the refrigerator |
mobile phone | 携帯電話 (けいたいでんわ) | 携帯電話 を 見(み)ます I look at the cell phone |
Internet | インターネット | インターネット を します I’m on the Internet. |

English translation | Japanese |
map | 地図(ちず) |
newpaper | 新聞(しんぶん) |
calendar | カレンダー |
magazine | 雑誌(ざっし) |
paper | 紙(かみ) |
book | 本(ほん) |
stamp | 切手(きって) |
pencil | えんぴつ |
eraser | 消(け)しゴム |
pen | ペン |
Frash card video:
You can practice these vocabularies about people in Japanese with flash cards video.See this article for vocabulary about vehicle.
Practice test video:
You can try JLPT practice test about today’s vocabularies! Let’s challenge! See this article for vocabulary about vehicle too.
Recommendation books for JLPT
You can add your training with using these book for JLPT N5.

The Preparatory Course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: N5 Reading
You can also check this article too.