On this page you can learn vocabulary related to “people” especially “family name” in Japanese vocabulary for JLPT N5.
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Table of contents
Note: How to call family members in Japanese?
The key point is that the way you refer to your own family and other people’s family members is different in each case in Japanese.
English translation | other people’s family | My family |
father | お父さん(おとうさん) | 父 (ちち) |
mother | お母さん (おかあさん) | 母 (はは) |
older brother | お兄さん (おにいさん) | 兄 (あに) |
younger brother | 弟さん (おとうとさん) | 弟 (おとうと) |
older sister | お姉さん(おねえさん) | 姉 (あね) |
younger sister | 妹さん (いもうとさん) | 妹 (いもうと) |
grand father | おじいさん | 祖父 (そふ) |
grand mother | おばあさん | 祖母 (そぼ) |
uncle | おじさん | おじ |
aunt | おばさん | おば |
husband | ご主人 (ごしゅじん) | 夫 (おっと) |
wife | 奥さん (おくさん) | 妻 (つま) |
child / children | お子さん (おこさん) | 子ども (こども) |
son | 息子さん (むすこさん) | 息子 (むすこ) |
daughter | 娘 (むすめ) | 娘 (むすめ) |
Let’s look at these other important words about family.
English translation | Japanese |
Siblings | 兄弟 (きょうだい) |
Parents | 両親 (りょうしん) |
Family | 家族 (かぞく) |
Cousin | いとこ |
Friends | 友達 (ともだち) |
an only child | 一人っ子(ひとりっこ) |
man | 男 (おとこ) |
woman | 女 (おんな) |
boy | 男の子 (おとこのこ) |
girl | 女の子 (おんなのこ) |
who | だれ |
JLPT vocabulary questions often ask you to choose the same meaning. For example, if the word is “father’s brother,” it is “uncle.So, keep your family tree in mind and learn the vocabulary.
この人は 私のおじです。
= この人は 父の弟です。
(This person is my uncle = This person is my father’s brother)
この人は おばの子どもです。
= この人は 私のいとこです。
(This person is my aunt’s child. = This person is my cousin)
Inforgraphic: Family tree in Japanese
Imagery is also important when learning a language. Download it and stick it where you’ll see it every day!

Flash card video :
You can practice these vocabularies about people in Japanese with flash cards video.
Practice test video:
You can try JLPT practice test about today’s vocabularies! Let’s challenge!
Recommendation books for JLPT
You can add your training with using these book for JLPT N5.
The Preparatory Course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: N5 Reading
You can also check this article to prepare for your exam.