Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary related to “house” that will appear on the JLPT N5. Use infographics, flashcards, and practice tests to study effectively. Get ready!
Table of contents
Note:Associate furniture with the name of the location
Associate the furniture in that room with what you do. For example, in the kitchen, you cook. Also, the Japanese culture of bathing is unique. This should be suppressed along with verbs; the JLPT will test your overall vocabulary skills. Don’t just memorize vocabulary, but learn what verbs are used in what situations.

English translation | Japanese |
kitchen | 台所(だいどころ) |
bath | お風呂(おふろ) |
shower | シャワー |
bath room | トイレ , お手洗(てあら)い |
sofa | ソファー |
table | テーブル |
bed | ベッド |
window | 窓 (まど) |
entrance | 玄関(げんかん) |
book shelf | 本棚(ほんだな) |
desk | 机(つくえ) |
chair | いす |
TV | テレビ |
light | 電気(でんき) |
garden | 庭 (にわ) |
Frequently used key phrases
English translation | Japanese |
take a bath | お風呂(ふろ) に 入(はい)ります。 |
take a shower | シャワー を 浴(あ)びます |
open the door | ドア を 開(あ)けます |
close the door | ドア を 閉(し)めます |
open the windown | 窓(まど) を 開(あ)けます |
close the window | 窓(まど) を 閉(し)めます |
turn on the light | 電気(でんき) を つけます |
turn off the light | 電気(でんき) を 消(け)します |
turn on the TV | テレビ を つけます |
turn off the TV | テレビ を 消(け)します |
Let’s learn particles together.
It is effective to memorize the names and verbs of things in the house by actually putting them on post-its or other paper, as you will see them every day.
Frash card video:
You can practice these vocabularies about people in Japanese with flash cards video.See this article for vocabulary about the clothes.
Practice test video:
You can try JLPT practice test about today’s vocabularies! Let’s challenge! See this article for vocabulary about the house too.
Recommendation books for JLPT
You can add your training with using these book for JLPT N5.

The Preparatory Course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: N5 Reading
You can also check this article too.