If you are aiming for the JLPT N5, you need to make up for your weaknesses and become comfortable with the exam. Since it is an exam, it is also necessary to analyze the trends well and study efficiently.
To learn more about the exam, please click here.
In this article, we have compiled a list of books for passing N5 by importance, time of study and field of study. Let’s study according to your weak areas.
Table of contents
Official Collection of Questions
Japanese Language Proficiency Test Practice Questions JLPT N5 NEW EDITION
- Study start time : 1~2 months before
- Field : ALL
If you decide to take the exam, first try the samle questions on the officeial page. Then practice the areas of weakness listed below.
This Official Question Book contains questions from past actual exams for one exam. This book is the only official book by the Japan Foundation.The most important thing is to understand the structure of the questions well, time them properly, and solve them as if they were real exams. This is not about doing a lot of questions.
Vocabulary practice book
- Study start time : 6 months before
The approximate vocabulary number for N5 is approximately 800. Vocabulary should be studied on a daily basis, not just at the last minute, as N5 questions often focus on vocabulary related to daily life and school. Vocabulary questions are also the easiest place to get marks, so make sure you are perfect and prepared.
※This book is available only on Amazon.jp. Please check shipping costs.
I highly recommend KIRARI☆NIHONGO(きらり☆日本語). Each topic has a picture and word spread. You can learn to associate various words with each other. It also includes exercises and JLPT-style practice questions. It is very useful for everyday study and review.
1000 Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT N5(N5 単語1000)
1000 Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT N5
1000 Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT is convenient to carry around. You can use the red sheets to memorize the information during your commute to work, etc. You can also download audio from the official webiste, so you can learn with your eyes and ears. The audio is also divided by field, so you can learn by association.
Kanji practice book
- Study start time : 6 months before
As with vocabulary, you will not be ready for Kanji if you study it right before the exam. We urge you to start practicing on the day you decide you want to take the test.
In N5, you will be asked to choose from approximately 100 kanji.workbook. There will be no written questions. You will be asked to choose from similar kanji or to choose the reading of a kanji, so please practice carefully and pay attention to the shape of the kanji.
MINNA NO NIHONGO Kanji practice work book
This workbook is a kanji practice book based on the famous textbook Minna no Nihongo, but even if you are not using this textbook, it is a very good.
Comprehensive Exercise Textbook
- Study start time : 2 months before
Start comprehensive practice two months before the exam. This comprehensive practice will help you prepare for the exam by solving many of the style of exam questions and frequently asked questions. If you have any weak areas in grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, or listening comprehension, you should work on these areas individually.
Nihongo Soumatome N5 Kanji・Vocabulary・Grammar・Reading・Listening
The book is structured in a very systematic way. It is also well analyzed and will help you pass the exam.It may also be very good for a quick review, as each point is clearly organized.

In addition to these, there are also a variety of other question books in different areas. It is a good idea to review grammar items that you are particularly weak in with your regular comprehensive textbook or with your teacher. Use the JLPT as an opportunity to review for all and push up your Japanese language skills.
Wishing you the best!