About the author

Kaori sensei

Japanese online teacher, live in Kamakura, Japan. She is currently working as a language teacher and online Japanese experience host to introduce Japanese culture to the world. She originally worked as an engineer at a Japanese company, so she is familiar with Japanese business culture too.


  • Hi Kaori Sensei

    I was wondering if I was able to use your hiragana sounds in my learn japanese web app.
    My app will have a free version and a paid version.

    I am happy to list you in the attributes and also happy to buy you a coffee if you allow it.


    • Hi Gavin! I am sorry for late reply. Thank you for your comment. It is okay that you use my mp3 Hiragana sound. It is license free. I am happy if you share the link and your support! ありがとうございます!

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