Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary for clothes that will appear on the JLPT N5. Use infographics, flashcards, and practice tests to study effectively. Get ready!
Table of contents
Note:Different verbs for each outfit
In Japanese, each outfit has a different verb. Let’s memorize them as a set of verbs.To do this, use an infographic to help you remember visually. And since there are many katakana, practice well so that you can read katakana as well.

In Japanese, “~ています” is used when talking about the state of being wearing clothes.The verb is converted to the Te form.Check the Te form together as well.
帽子(ぼうし) を かぶっています。
I’m wearing a hat.
かぶります → かぶって
Now,Let’s go through each verb individually.
English translation | Japanese |
suit | スーツ |
coat | コート |
a dress shrit | シャツ |
T-shirt | Tシャツ |
sweater | セーター |
English translation | Japanese |
skirt | スカート |
pants | ズボン |
shoes | 靴(くつ) |
socks | 靴下(くつした) |
English translation | Japanese |
necklace | ネックレス |
glove | 手袋(てぶくろ) |
tie | ネクタイ |
English translation | Japanese |
cap, hat | 帽子(ぼうし) |
English translation | Japanese |
glass | めがね |
English translation | Japanese |
bag | かばん |
umbrella | かさ |
Frash card video:
You can practice these vocabularies about people in Japanese with flash cards video.See this article for vocabulary about the house.
Practice test video:
You can try JLPT practice test about today’s vocabularies! Let’s challenge!See this article for vocabulary about the house.
Recommendation books for JLPT
You can add your training with using these book for JLPT N5.

The Preparatory Course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: N5 Reading
You can also check this article too.