Thank you for your interest in my lesson. This page introduces the textbooks that are the basis of my lessons, workbooks for homework. In addition to this, I will introduce the best books according to your purpose!
There are textbooks by level and purpose! Ask me about your level and recommendations in the lesson. I will do my best to support your learning.
Table of contents
Beginner (A1)
Target: Those who have never learned Japanese, those who have studied independently but cannot speak at all, etc.
Main textbook
できる日本語 初級

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This book is focusing on “Can do something in Japan”. You can learn what kind of Japanese you should say while sharing the scenes and situations with me. The communication skill really grows. In addition, each scene has audio, so you can repeat listening practice. And since these scenes contain important sentence patterns and vocabulary, you can learn step by step.
Students see new scenes, imagine, and output using the vocabulary and sentence patterns they have learned so far. It’s like making a drama and it’s a really fun time!
Genki Textbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (Genki (1)) (Multilingual Edition)
A good beginner’s textbook for English speakers. It is well organized, with grammatical explanations in English. It also includes exercises. It is useful for self-study.
Workbook for preparation, review
できる日本語 わたしのことばノート
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This is a vocabulary workbook that fits the main book. You can now prepare and review the words used in each lesson. My recommendation is to use it for preparation, because I want the lesson to be a place to output the vocabulary that I have prepared. If you prepare your vocabulary before the lesson, your lesson time will be time to use new words, not time to learn new words!
できる日本語 わたしのことばノート
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This is a grammar workbook that fits the main book. You can now prepare and review the grammars used in each lesson. My recommendation is to use it for review. Let’s review and fix the new grammar you learned in the lesson to make it yours. In addition, each lesson also includes essay tasks. You will enjoy the fun of writing Japanese, which is different from conversation.
Genki Workbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (Genki (1)) (Multilingual Edition)
Beginner’s workbook available on
This is a useful workbook for English speakers. The questions are written in English, so they are easy to understand. Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji exercises are also included, making it a very convenient book.
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Target: Those who have passed JLPT N5 or who have completed learning equivalent to N5.
Main textbook
できる日本語 初中級
※You can buy on only Please check shipping fee if you live outside of Japan
This book is focusing on “Can do something in Japan”. You can learn what kind of Japanese you should say while sharing the scenes and situations with me. The communication skill really grows. In addition, each scene has audio, so you can repeat listening practice. And since these scenes contain important sentence patterns and vocabulary, you can learn step by step.
Students see new scenes, imagine, and output using the vocabulary and sentence patterns they have learned so far. It’s like making a drama and it’s a really fun time! You who have completed 『できる日本語 初級 本冊』will aim to further improve their level. The speed of listening will also approach the native speed.
Workbook for preparation, review
できる日本語 初中級 わたしのことばノート
※You can buy on only Please check shipping fee if you live outside of Japan
This is a vocabulary workbook that fits the main book. You can now prepare and review the words used in each lesson. My recommendation is to use it for preparation, because I want the lesson to be a place to output the vocabulary that I have prepared. If you prepare your vocabulary before the lesson, your lesson time will be time to use new words, not time to learn new words!
できる日本語 初中級 わたしの文法ノート
※You can buy on only Please check shipping fee if you live outside of Japan
This is a grammar workbook that fits the main book. You can now prepare and review the grammars used in each lesson. My recommendation is to use it for review. Let’s review and fix the new grammar you learned in the lesson to make it yours. In addition, each lesson also includes essay tasks. You will enjoy the fun of writing Japanese, which is different from conversation. The usage of N4 grammar gradually becomes a niche. Let’s practice a lot and operate it.
Intermediate (B1~)
Target: Those who have passed JLPT N4 or who have completed learning equivalent to N4. Those who have N3 but are particularly worried that they cannot talk or listen. Those who want to communicate about Japanese culture and life in Japan.
Main text
まるごと 中級1
You can download vocabuluary list with English translation from the official sit
まるごと 中級2

You can download vocabuluary list with English translation from the official site.
The reason I choose this book is not only that you will be able to do something in Japan, but also you can read actual things, for example, blogs, advertisements, SNS, and so on. We will approach with various topics. You will also practice speaking for a long time in this book. In the beginner’s class, we talked sentence by sentence, but in the intermediate class, we will be able to talk with definite idea with paragraphs. Let’s aim for a level where we can understand each other through actual communication in Japanese!
Workbook for preparation, review
You can download the attached vocabulary table from まるごとwebsite. Before the lesson, it is important to know vocabularies and check the pronounce and practice Kanji. And please review the conversation scripts and role-plays you learned in the lesson and try again in the next lesson! Introduce your favorite manga or introduce your own culture! Find out the information you need! I’m really looking forward to hearing your presentation!
Target: Those who have passed JLPT N2 and those who have completed learning equivalent to N2. If you work for a Japanese company, or your customer is a Japanese company and use Japanese in business situations, you should take Business lesson!
Main text
In this book, you can learn practical conversations for those who are doing business in Japanese on a task-by-task basis. In business Japanese, we will discuss not only respect language(敬語/けいご) and indirect expressions, but also Japanese company culture, Japanese economy, law, etc. You will be involved in activities out of the lessons, such as surveys for presentations and preparation of materials for discussions.
Hi Kaori Sensei. I enjoyed your class last night. For the books, I’m unable to get most of the books from the Japanese Amazon site. I am able to get my book from a website called Its a book store in Japan that ships it to the United States and the price with shipping is reasonable. I hope this can help with other students with the same problem. Jya Mata Ne.
Hi, Tomさん!Thank you for your very kind comments. Sorry for the delay in replying to you. I will get right on it and reflect it in the information on this page! Very useful information for other students.ありがとう!