Lesson information

はじめまして 壱ノ巻 : Nice to meet you! vol.1

Written by Kaori sensei

Week 1 Action Goal:

Can ask a person one had just met at a party or an event for his/her name, hometown, occupation, etc., or give such information when asked.

  • Let’s focus not only on the phrases, but also on the culture of self-introduction in Japan.
  • When the other person answers a question, your response is also important.
party with Japanese


Download the csv file from here, and use the Anki app to continue learning!

※ If you are not confident with your hiragana, download the romaji version here.


Here’s a worksheet for the lesson; try to save document and prepare it in advance.

If you are not confident with your hiragana, download the romaji version here.

PDF File is here.

Model conversation

This is a model conversation. Listen to it over and over again, talk about it… arrange it in your own way!

For the script, Download the worksheet.

UPDATE 21/2/2022

1.    Can ask someone’s name

2.    Can ask someone’s hometown

3.    Can ask someone’s occupation

Application for Participation

Please register for all sessions and events through Meetup. The meeting link will be visible once you RSVP.

If you want to know more about this group, check here!

Schedule Information

It contains the monthly schedule. Check the contents and join us!

The content may change depending on the participation of the members.


This workbook is ideal for reviewing sessons.Let’s review today’s session, ready for the next lesson!

You can buy on Amazon.


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About the author

Kaori sensei

Japanese online teacher, live in Kamakura, Japan. She is currently working as a language teacher and online Japanese experience host to introduce Japanese culture to the world. She originally worked as an engineer at a Japanese company, so she is familiar with Japanese business culture too.

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