
クスっと JLPT |N3聴解 009|Listening practice

Written by Kaori sensei





テレビの(おと)がうるさいです。 (なん)()いますか。

  1. ちょっと、テレビの(おと)(ちい)さくして。
  2. ちょっと、テレビ()るなら、()て。
  3. ちょっと、テレビの(おと)(ちい)さくない?

(平成(へいせい)) とりま、テレビ オフって。




Vくします: Used for intentional change of state.


A: (かみ)はどのぐらい()りますか。

B: (みじか)くしてください。15cmくらい。

Vない?(Vませんか): expresses the intention of soliciting or urging

A: テレビの(おと)(ちい)さくない?

  (気持(きも)ち: テレビの(おと)(ちい)さいですよね?(おお)きくしてください。)

It confirms to the other person that the sound is low and encourages him or her to turn up the volume.

Heisei-era Japanese:

とりま (=とりあえず、まあ): For now, well…

The term was used by Japanese high school girls around 2011. It is a shortened form of the word “とりあえず、まあ”.
It is often used at the beginning of a sentence.

About the author

Kaori sensei

Japanese online teacher, live in Kamakura, Japan. She is currently working as a language teacher and online Japanese experience host to introduce Japanese culture to the world. She originally worked as an engineer at a Japanese company, so she is familiar with Japanese business culture too.

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