Today, We will study Basic Japanese vocabulary for food that will appear on the JLPT N5. Use infographics, flashcards, and practice tests to study effectively. Get ready!
Table of contents
Note: How can I remember foods?
First, grouping related words together for memorization is effective.Also remember the name of the group together. For example, apples, oranges, bananas are fruits, etc.Many of the JLPT paraphrase questions are like this one.

たべもの (food)
English translation | Japanese |
curry | カレー |
lunch box | お弁当 (おべんとう) |
bread | パン |
cooked rice | ごはん |
cake | ケーキ |
のみもの (drink)
English translation | Japanese |
coffee | コーヒー |
black tea | 紅茶 (こうちゃ) |
tea | お茶 (おちゃ) |
alcholic | お酒 (おさけ) |
milk | 牛乳 (ぎゅうにゅう) |
ごはん (meal)
English translation | Japanese |
breakfast | あさごはん |
lunch | ひるごはん |
dinner | ばんごはん |
くだもの (fruit) ・やさい(vegetable)
English translation | Japanese |
strawberry | いちご |
apple | りんご |
banana | バナナ |
potato | じゃがいも |
carrot | にんじん |
English translation | Japanese |
chicken | 鶏肉(とりにく) |
poak | 豚肉(ぶたにく) |
beef | 牛肉(ぎゅうにく) |
fish | 魚(さかな) |
eggs | 卵(たまご) |

English translation | Japanese |
sugar | 砂糖(さとう) |
salt | 塩(しお) |
soysauce | しょうゆ |
butter | バター |
English translation | Japanese |
glass | 砂糖(さとう) |
cup | 塩(しお) |
palte | しょうゆ |
rice bowl | バター |
knife | ナイフ |
spoon | スプーン |
fork | フォーク |
chopsticks | おはし |

Flash card video :
You can practice these vocabularies about people in Japanese with flash cards video.
Practice test video:
You can try JLPT practice test about today’s vocabularies! Let’s challenge!
Recommendation books for JLPT
You can add your training with using these book for JLPT N5.

The Preparatory Course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: N5 Reading
You can also check this article too.