Table of contents
- はい、おかけします。
- では、失礼します。
- じゃ、お座りになります。
昭和) よっこいしょういち。
Showa-era Japanese:
よっこいしょういち: (Calling out before making a sitting motion)
The word comes from the word “よっこいしょ.” The word “よっこいしょ” itself is a kind of call for Japanese people when they sit on a chair or stand up from carrying a heavy load.By doing this, the brain receives a signal that it is about to move, and the body does not seem to be startled! If this comes out of your mouth, you are a confirmed native! You should try it.
By the way, it was around 1972 that the play on words with “よっこいしょういち”began. Actually, it is the name of a person. The Japanese army unconditionally surrendered in World War II, but a Japanese soldier in Guam, Shoichi Yokoi, could not believe it and continued to wander in the jungle, thinking that reinforcements would surely come. To the surprise of many, he returned to Japan 28 years later when he was discovered and captured by the locals.
After that, he became very famous in Japan, as there were many TV programs about him. It is said that this call was born.