コース概要と取り組み方法 | Course Overview and Approach
-日本語 (English is below)
- このコースは、JLPT N3の学習をある程度完了し、最後の仕上げとして弱点を知り、克服したい方におすすめです。
- コース内でいつでも教師に回答やあなたの疑問点について質問ができます。
- 模擬試験を受ける:
PDFをダウンロードして模擬試験に挑戦してください。試験時間を計り、本番同様に取り組むことをおすすめします。 - 自己採点:
正答(PDF)を使用して自己採点を行い、苦手な問題を特定しましょう。 - 解説を確認:
解答に対する詳細な解説をオンラインで確認し、どの部分で間違えたか理解を深めてください。 - 弱点強化コース:
- JLPT N3を受験を予定している学習者
- 日本語中級レベル (B1)の課程を完了している学習者
※このコースはJLPT N3の学習をある程度完了し、最後の仕上げ、弱点を知り、克服したい方におすすめです。
– English
This course focuses on preparing for the “Language Knowledge (Kanji and Vocabulary)” section of the JLPT N3. We provide downloadable 1 time mock-up test and answer keys in PDF format, with detailed explanations available online. Additionally, a review course is designed to help learners revisit and strengthen their weak areas.
- This course is recommended for those who have completed most of their JLPT N3 studies and are looking to finalize their preparation by identifying and overcoming their weak points.
- At any time in the course you can ask the teacher for answers or your doubts.
How to proceed in this course:
- Take the Mock Test:
Download the PDF and attempt the mock test. It is recommended to time yourself and simulate an actual test-taking experience. - Self-Check:
Use the answer key (PDF) to score yourself and identify the areas where you struggled. - Review the Explanations:
Access detailed explanations online to understand the mistakes and improve your comprehension. - Strengthen Weak Areas:
Engage in the online practice to thoroughly review your weak points. The course includes targeted exercises and quizzes related to grammar, vocabulary, and characters. - Monitor Progress:
Regularly retake the mock test to track your progress and ensure your understanding improves over time.
Target Audience:
- Learners preparing for the JLPT N3
- Intermediate-level Japanese learners
Course Features
- Lectures 12
- Quiz 0
- Duration 2 hours
- Skill level Intermediate
- Language Japanese (including some English translation)
- Students 12
- Assessments Yes
- 3 Sections
- 12 Lessons
- 2 Hours
- 模擬試験 と自己採点 | Test and Self-check2
- 解説を確認 | Review the Explanations間違えた箇所の解説を確認しましょう。| Check the explanations of your mistakes.5
- 弱点強化コース | Strengthen Weak Areas各パートの類似問題で弱点を強化しましょう。 特に間違えが多かったパートをチェックしましょう。|Reinforce your weak points with similar questions in each part. Check the parts in which you made many mistakes in particular.5
- 文字・語彙
Target audiences
- N3 test takers